
Merit List for the posts of Central Administrator,Case Worker,Para Legal/Lawyer and Psycho Social Counselor  for the post under Mission Sakthi, Sambal in Nandyal District.

Merit List for the posts of Central Administrator,Case Worker,Para Legal/Lawyer and Psycho Social Counselor  for the post under Mission Sakthi, Sambal in Nandyal District.
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Merit List for the posts of Central Administrator,Case Worker,Para Legal/Lawyer and Psycho Social Counselor  for the post under Mission Sakthi, Sambal in Nandyal District.

Merit List  for the posts of Central Administrator,Case Worker,Para Legal/Lawyer and Psycho Social Counselor  for the post under Mission Sakthi, Sambal in Nandyal District.

29/08/2024 08/09/2024 View (11 KB) Merit List-OSC (86 KB) Shortlist – OSC (64 KB)